Hello everyone, I'm just some random guy who enjoys playing games, nothing much else, otherwise just a pretty boring guy.
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Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Just some info on me
Real life information

Name: Cameron


Side features to note about me: I have Adhd and a bad habit to talk a lot, just keep in mind that ill end up sending you like 3-4 lines of text each time i really say something

Currently a college student.

Don't got that much free time anymore.

Small amount of furry information if you really care

Fursona name:Xepher

Race: Maned wolf, a (Childishly made)special breed know as the Moonware (They lived on the moon, he is the last of his kind)

Age:.. Unknown, His race was known for living decades if not centeries, he appers to look in his 20s however.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Body: 6.1 ft, 195 Ibs

Ref sheet (Thank you Hexy)

Ref sheet [cdn.discordapp.com]

Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 218 tuntia
Tällä hetkellä pelissä
yhteensä 743 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.5.
100 pistettä
yhteensä 585 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.5.
M1 19.6.2022 klo 23.03 
average beans eater
Lossy 17.5.2022 klo 19.03 
Tay 27.11.2021 klo 13.31 
bi curious
Minecraft Fox 16.11.2021 klo 12.18 
+rep Heavy God
Came in pants; still gaming 16.3.2021 klo 20.33 
+Rep, shared half a Kit Kat with me.
Cap'n Bony Butt 24.12.2020 klo 21.03 
Happ Anti Burglary Day