YUNGSENSEI   Washington, United States
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Kaptain Texas the second 26.12.2023 klo 15.34 
cod waw Mp 40 try hard
John Dough 23.12.2023 klo 15.33 
Hi ogtragicnews
Kaptain Texas the second 2.7.2023 klo 17.15 
Im sending SIX Libyan missiles to your residence in HELL
VESSEL 24.1.2022 klo 1.06 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀:lootanchor: Signed by VESSEL :lootanchor:
Orphen 10.11.2021 klo 13.31 
on hood
BOB 23.8.2021 klo 11.30 