Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
The egg :er_wave:
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Tiananmen[][][] 29 mars à 2h25 
Tiananmen Square Massacre happened in 1989, thanks for educating me about this!
winniethepooh 23 févr. à 20h14 
stop killing me
SwitchBack 9 févr. à 1h02 
GG fellow proximity chat goon, appreciate the both bounty hunting cross map gamers
Oi Ocelot 7 févr. à 23h26 
Blokes actually insufferable. Only friends with him on steam for sexy time with his dad.
Engita 2 févr. à 20h20 
You are one angry man to the point you are a meme of the community, settle down cobba
P A N N I C 2 févr. à 1h35 
and thats what you get for talking ♥♥♥♥ newbie! thanks for the loadout ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥