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Joнn Åce ◇ 21 Apr @ 3:40am 
Best Brazilian TF2 modder, +respect um grande amigo :sc_bag:
Mediarch 15 Mar @ 4:10am 
Hi, I'm an editor on the TF2 Wiki and had a question about the Wooly Pulli. Is the item's name a reference to the song Wooly Bully? The moderators want a direct confirmation for references.
Violet 21 Feb @ 10:43am 
Hello there! You are maybe aware that since a few months now, has been down.
So I was wondering, would it be alright if I add you to ask for the files of some cosmetics of yours?
Leviathan #TF2EASY 4 Feb @ 10:36am 
Só faz unsual insano, um item melhor que o outro. Parabéns e obrigado por fazer esses itens.
Modest Pile of Hats 1 Feb @ 3:26am 
Hi! love your modeling work! Would you like to help me with making a model?
Solaire of Astora 31 Jan @ 9:54am 
Hey I just wanted to see if you take commissions? Thanks