Spoopy Owl
Elderon   West Virginia, United States
Just a fun furry dragon playing games and having fun.
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 32 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 16.5.
yhteensä 31 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 14.5.
yhteensä 13,9 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 14.5.
Opt_0™ 2.8.2016 klo 16.08 
Hey there newer friend Elderon, I just realised I never got back to your commont on my page. I haven't been playing PZ for a while. And with No Man's Sky hitting soon I may be in space for some time to come. However I can do my best to answer questions or make suggestions if need be. I have played a lot with the custom map settings and have a relatively good handle on some aspects. Good luck out there. I'm sure I'll play again. :skulls:
Spoopy Owl 26.1.2016 klo 17.42 
StickDragon 24.1.2016 klo 17.38 
Nah I was talking about myself of course
Spoopy Owl 24.1.2016 klo 17.25 
Rev, um, for a second there, thought you were calling me gay
StickDragon 24.1.2016 klo 12.33 
This guy is so gay
76561198071803460 18.10.2012 klo 12.07 
hey man