Crisby chapo
۝ᴙᴲᴎᴲɢᴬᴅᴲ ᴍᴬSᵀᴇᴿ۝: Wtf is wrong with u
۝ᴙᴲᴎᴲɢᴬᴅᴲ ᴍᴬSᵀᴇᴿ۝: It's like the ♥♥♥♥ version of lord of the rings
Nighty: ♥♥♥♥♥, you're the ♥♥♥♥ version of your mom
Jelenleg offline
Counter-Strike 2
Bruno BBC 2014. dec. 26., 16:52 
+rep really big ♥♥♥♥
Chicken 2014. jún. 21., 17:15 
Nighty where you at I miss you! YOU TERRORIST!
nzl 2014. jún. 14., 1:32 
such a scrub. 0/5
marsula 2014. máj. 14., 15:15 
+rep His group's picture made me had such a good laugh.
🐀 2014. márc. 12., 23:07 
+rep owns a graphic's card born and rasied from TDRP
Qutrix 2014. jan. 21., 12:22 
+rep guud trader