"What kind of woman is your type?"
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Official-Unofficial Steam Group for the osu! game and community.
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This is a Collection for Anime/Manga themed games. My goal for this collection is to show that Steam is a suitable marketplace for games like these. If i mis a game or so just comment or pm me ~<3. I hope you find some game´s u like.
5,140명이 평가했습니다.
제작자: Ahn󠁳 ⁧⁧♡
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About to finish this game and start my second play through on Nightmare and like many others I am going to say that this has been one fantastic ride.

Here is the biggest problem with this game. It's like jumping into a TV show/Anime on the last episode. Yea you might enjoy everything that's happening but your not going to understand any of it and no one is going to take the time to explain everything that has happened over the course of 8/9 games because each game plays out like an entire season. (Aside from one which is more like an OVA) Not even the game has the time to explain everything that has happened it just assumes you already know with consistent references to events, side quests, returning characters everything this game does ties it all in and brings it home. It's the worst possible experiences you can have as a newcomer who cares about a games story.

Is it a good game though? Hell yea! One of the best jrpgs I have played in a long time with AMAZING english voice acting, Although it has the typical turn based system it works really well with the game and feels nice you can turn your people into tanks, healers, damage dealers and all the things in between. Speaking of characters WOW there are a-lot most of them playable because AGAIN this game is trying to pull everything from the previous ones together.

Good game with a fantastic story, Okay but, does it run well? It's smooth. Not a single crash in the hours that i have played, there was an FPS drop in ONE of way too many places you get to travel throughout the game. The world and some of the places you visit are beautiful.

So should you get it? If your new? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I don't know. Seriously. I have no idea. If pressed i would have to say No. Hell No. If you are new, go play the other games. Actually. Go WATCH the other games they would take far too long to play through. Hundreds of hours for each of them.

Trails in the Sky was remastered and voiced you can find that on Youtube. Some soul was kind enough to upload the ENTIRE story and important scenes.

It's a LONG ride.

What if you aren't new? Then you already have this game and are just reading this for giggles. This Review wasn't for you. :)
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About me?

C.S. Lewis "On Three Ways of Writing for Children" (1952):
Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
추천 아트워크 전시대
Cute Asuka
8 5
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1,209시간 플레이
Ruin...Has come to our family. You remember our venerable house? Opulent and Imperial...Gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moor. I lived all my years in that ancient, rumor shadowed manor. Fattened by decadence and luxury...And yet...I began to tire of, conventional extravagance. Singular unsettling tales suggest that the mansion itself was a gateway to some fabulous and unnamable power.

With relic and ritual...I bent every effort towards the excavation and recovery of those long buried secrets. Exhausting what remained of our family fortune on swarthy workmen and...sturdy shovels... At last beneath the lowest foundations we unearthed that damnable portal and antediluvian evil.

Our every step unsettled the ancient earth...but we were in a realm of death and madness...In the end...I alone fled laughing and wailing through those blackened arcades of antiquity...Until consciousness failed me...

You remember our venerable house? Opulent and Imperial...It is a festering abomination... I beg you...Return home, claim your birthright... And deliver our family from the ravenous...clutching shadows...of the Darkest Dungeon

The voice actor alone is enough reason to get this game. I got it on sale and i never expected to spend this much time on it, and planning to keep playing it. Its kept alive by its modding community and while its no where near the volume of some other modding communities its solid enough with custom classes, custom skins and many quality of life touch ups to the game.

The game is challenging it will kick you down and kick you while your down. It is merciless and punishing. So if that is your cup of tea, this is your type of game. If it's not well mods can help make things a little easier, however, the game will still do its best to kill you and potentially succeed.

That's really all i have to say for now, i want to get back to dungeon diving get the game if you see it on sale but know that it is well worth paying full price. (with &/or without) dlc.
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제작자: SleepingD
225명이 평가했습니다.
Good Render / BG Website for Lazy People in 2022.
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