Don't Shake the baby!   Utah, United States
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BoBo 18 nov. 2023 às 3:07 
even if AOC herself is in front of me Dream don’t let me catch you in dem streets boii otherwise I'm leaking em ♥♥♥♥ pics
BoBo 28 set. 2023 às 3:13 
My ♥♥♥♥ hard like a chimney
Dsstar 22 abr. 2022 às 14:01 
———————————No Maidens?——
alright… you want a war? imagine being so unfeminine that you cant even attract the opposite gender and have to resort to your own which will never work because of this thing called BIOLOGY . i’m glad you get to experience the headache that females give you tho but think yin and yang, 2 yins don’t work. as for you Maddy, there’s this thing called the SMV = sexual market value that takes into account youth,wealth,health,aesthetics, which you severely lack in everything except for youth which is why im not trying to woo you. I love the intellect of INFPs but you don’t seem very articulate, lack eloquence or a bibliophile at all. I was hoping for a dalliance but serendipity didn’t go out way. this may seem capricious but you were being a ♥♥♥♥. usually im nonchalant about things but you picked the wrong vigorous masculine man tonight
Ricky Sticky 26 ago. 2021 às 21:05 
This man has the cutest beard I've ever seen
Dennis 29 jun. 2021 às 21:35 