Ashley (it/they/she)   Waterford, Michigan, United States
My, my... Don't you look delicious?

Cute meat , meet cute .
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 18,5 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 11.5.
100 pistettä
yhteensä 4 150 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 8.5.
yhteensä 224 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.5.
Leksi 2.5. klo 13.19 
+rep, I kinda liked your profile and thought we could be friends :3
emerald chaos 29.4. klo 19.02 
hey just dropping by to tell you one of your friends names chara got hacked. there currently asking people to click a link for a "art rateing" thing and i want people to be aware i havent talked to this person in over 3 years. its kinda fishy and i wana let all there friends know.
Sunset Shimmer 29.4. klo 18.39 
where'd sonic go
</3 仇恨之马 HATE </3 29.4. klo 18.32 
+rep nice round dragon!
+rep well rounded gamer
Cubi!♀ 29.4. klo 18.21 
Audi0lynn on your friendslist got hacked, btw. They're giving a fake scam link to a "artwork contest"