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1 banimento VAC em registro | Informações
1767 dia(s) desde o último banimento
Agent K77 28/jun./2019 às 9:53 
my teams garbage
Mr. Antonio Margarete 2/abr./2019 às 0:22 
Such a Toxic player in CSGO but his friend Fart is cool tho
atard 12/fev./2018 às 18:37 
Runnning you are best of the streamer in the twicth the lades want to suck your dig bick
chichukin 16/jan./2018 às 18:54 
+rep very friendly and good streamer
BetaTestaburger 30/nov./2017 às 9:14 
he got a BBC Big Bushy Chest
Nekomineeee 27/nov./2017 às 10:08 
▐█▐██▐░▄▓▓▓▓▓▀▄░▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▌█▌ doge is watching, dont do bad things...