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EP 16. Dez. 2020 um 1:27 
Yo i miss all the good times on TG that we had if you remember me lol. I wasnt a mic user because i was scared of my voice back in the day but i was super active in chat. Best wishes to you my friend.
Meskutege 5. Juli 2014 um 22:01 
RAW RAW OO LA LA. I want your loving cuz I love you cousin you and me could have a sexy romance.
thejonbox ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 15. Jan. 2014 um 17:55 
Is ya'll ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hirin?
hentai waifu ✩ 24. Mai 2013 um 21:13 
Who are you. Why are you in my friends list.
juicebox 24. Mai 2013 um 19:36 
what the hell happened to you?
Forbidder 4. Mai 2013 um 7:53 
hey, i can smell you.