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ToKe -84- 16. Juli 2022 um 7:42 
THX again for wat you did on Rebirth in past
Sausage 9. Feb. 2018 um 23:55 
Thou speaketh the tongue of a refined crusader, sire!
Queefman 9. Feb. 2018 um 21:34 
Lol yuk.I choose the svvord. #Glitterhoof for emperor.
Sausage 9. Feb. 2018 um 11:24 
I am the emperor of reformed pagan Scandinavia! Eat my pickled herrings, heathen!
Queefman 4. Feb. 2018 um 13:25 
Are you enjoying Crusader Kings an all the terrible things you can do?
Sausage 4. Feb. 2018 um 9:46 
Stop talking about me like I’m dead! :’(