🌌 Galaxy of Memes | E2 Mastermind
@name Fasteroid's Steam Profile
print("Leave a message after the beep; I'll return as fast as I can!")

:p2orange: "I like your style! You make up your own rules, just like me."
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2

⚙️ Operator's Manual / TOS ⚙️
How to use your Fasteroid™

1. I own a Sandbox Garry's Mod server called "E2 Beyond Infinity" with 20x E2 limits and lax rules.
  You should stop by sometime, it's a cool place.

2. Provided I'll enjoy it and I have enough time, I'll help you with anything I feel qualified to free of charge.
  If I won't enjoy it but still have enough time, I may be willing to do it for pay.

3. Put effort into asking good questions—otherwise I won't (and probably can't help you.
  Tell me what is wrong and how it should be.
Also, don't ask to ask. [] It's annoying.

4. I can only hold meaningful conversation with one person at a time, and get overloaded very easily.
 If I request a moment to get my bearings, it is likely in your best interest to grant it.

5. Always tell the truth, and please don't withhold information. I don't care if there's a "good reason".
 Without proactive communication, our experiences will always be sub-optimal.

6. I will "blacklist" social interactions entirely for people I deem hostile, manipulative, or harmful to my wellbeing.
 Please don't be one of these people. I'm sad I still have to use this system.

7. Don't give me hope. If you are female and unreasonably nice to me, I WILL catch feelings for you.
 This is not a valid excuse to be a di‍ck to me—see TOS entry #6.
Currently Online
Workshop Showcase
The Original. Place a CD in and listen; needs wiremod to work. Having TF2/Portal mounted is recommended; Erectin' a River needs Best of Toybox. Thank you all so much for your continued support of this dupe!
1,982 ratings
Created by - Fasteroid
Artwork Showcase
gm_flatgrass 12-23-2019 (self portrait)
4 5 1
Cioss Dec 23, 2023 @ 5:14pm 
28 November 2022
regnar Dec 21, 2023 @ 3:41am 
hyperfixated for 6 hours my bad
Fasteroid Sep 13, 2023 @ 6:49am 
Everything is back under control for now. Even the best fall for stupid crap sometimes.
(TTV) MysticalLuna1 Mar 23, 2023 @ 7:50am 
putting things aside, how have you been since 3 years ago after we last encountered each other
Fasteroid Mar 22, 2023 @ 12:36pm 
I suppose I can pardon you for your e2 theft crimes :steammocking:
(TTV) MysticalLuna1 Mar 21, 2023 @ 9:16am 
spycrab(assassin) banned for trying to save that one persons e2 since the server was about to reboot while they were afk