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Amanda Eaten By Bears May 12 @ 7:10am 
MF I am on the serious ♥♥♥♥. I just ate 1200 cronbread and worshipped satin. Who does that?!?
Amanda Eaten By Bears May 11 @ 3:44pm 
I have taken drugs today. In honor of this great occasion I am going to take more drugs.
Amanda Eaten By Bears May 5 @ 1:48am 
Well, lets compromise. Can you just stop being bad at CS? He didn't sound butthurt when he said it at all? So I know it's true. Just play the tutorial or something.
Amanda Eaten By Bears May 4 @ 7:34pm 
D, have ever you considered not pissing off the entire internet? That's like the 3rd guy this week. Maybe we're becoming the baddies..
Amanda Eaten By Bears May 4 @ 2:13pm 
Listen Dewknob, your mother should have aborted you. Sad but true. She just didn't have the balls to tell you. So here I am, Amanda Eaten By gd Bears, to set the record straight. You're just a toxic dweeb with the unfortunate believe of, "if I post some dorky ♥♥♥♥ on dude's profile, he'll regret the thing I dislike". I mean.... this is the internet but that kind of magic doesn't exist in 2024. Delta is immaculate and he bows down to no dweeb. His decisions were justified and your reality is just all wrong. Try to be better than you are now.
Dewbop May 4 @ 9:58am 
-rep this guy and his buddy (grown adults) go around casual CS lobbies harassing people by following them around and shooting them with shotguns. They also wallhack and use discord to communicate info but still are bad at the game.