United States
Please let me know what you thought of our last game.
Dead by Daylight
4 2
Santiago de Ochoa 24. jan. kl. 17:06 
-rep tunnel xeno
Goonman 24. jan. kl. 15:46 
-rep does not like backstreatboys :(
JBreak 21. jan. kl. 19:39 
this bot 4k's in a pub and thinks he's hot ♥♥♥♥, but is afraid to 1v1 or 4v1. :sacrificed:
cel 21. jan. kl. 16:17 
homie get better wifi. get an ethernet cable. your hits were wild to say the least
encurate 19. jan. kl. 17:10 
I will be running repressed alliance indefinitely because of you
LINK 16. jan. kl. 20:16 
why do you guys like to tunnel me? LINK is the nicest survivor ever, and you guys still tunnel. I do not bully killers, yet you guys leave the bullies alone.