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Walkerfood001 7 mart. la 16:56 
Never EVER boil ♥♥♥. Once it transitions into its gaseous form it becomes airborne. Given the fact that a typical ejaculate contains tens of millions of sperm, airborne ♥♥♥ can easily impregnate an entire city. The child support from that could bankrupt even a billionaire.
Oliver Anthony 8 iun. 2019 la 16:47 
i actually typed s31g h13l
Oliver Anthony 8 iun. 2019 la 16:47 
KiNG 10 apr. 2018 la 10:41 
I have a public teamspeak server available!
Pablo 30 ian. 2018 la 15:48 
he is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ god
✪ Legend 24 iul. 2015 la 19:04 
-rep no paragraphs