James Thomsen   Gloucester, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Εκτός σύνδεσης
faithfawcett3699 9 Ιουλ 2021, 13:18 
Ronin 16 Δεκ 2015, 9:59 
bit joe vickers :steamsalty:but a lad to play with
JJVic 12 Δεκ 2015, 23:57 
he is very :steamsalty:
JJVic 12 Δεκ 2015, 23:57 
Skinz123 27 Δεκ 2014, 12:24 
A great person to play with and have fun with :)
k 16 Φεβ 2013, 4:51 
+rep polite and fair