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Adds animations for looting containers and corpses, harvesting plants, lockpicking doors and chests, opening doors, activating levers, praying, drinking and eating potions and food, equipping armor and opening map. SKSE and SkyUI (MCM) are required. Dynami
1 506 évaluations
Créé par - Genebris
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0,8 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 2 mai
5 513 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 2 mai
463 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 2 mai
Slenderman2525 7 juin 2023 à 7h38 
perfect just got it thank you very much !, looking forward to the next project : )
Genebris 7 juin 2023 à 6h37 
It's up, restart steam to get update
Slenderman2525 6 juin 2023 à 17h56 
that would be amazing thank you :steamhappy:
Genebris 6 juin 2023 à 17h34 
Yeah, couple are unreachable by mistake, I'll fix it soon
Slenderman2525 6 juin 2023 à 16h05 
hello i wanted to ask since you are developer of auto-staccato, how do you get the bloodbath achievement? ive tried to kill all spectators a bunch of times but cant get those in the tower or the one in the wall is there something im missing?
Genebris 30 sept. 2022 à 5h35 
Thanks! I'm out of modding for many years now. But the mod will work in SSE if you just unpack the .bsa archive