Victoria, Australia
Just a down to earth chick who lives in Melb and is just sick of all the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ^_^
I have a kinky as ♥♥♥♥ sense of humor and no filter here baby ;D
Catch you all in game xox Mika
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Mo0od 3 ian. la 5:12 
Signed by Mo0od, Maybe? ;)
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Mr.MacroMan 8 mart. 2020 la 10:37 
+REP Got a vibe!
★ ScrubWaffleZ - ' 1 mart. 2020 la 22:13 
GT4586 9 oct. 2019 la 2:43 
+rep radiates big pen1s vibes
EDGEcrusher 18 mai 2018 la 5:00 
coolest chick on cs
Jacob THE GAMER 10 mai 2018 la 22:35 
super cute and amazing xox