Ben   Somerset, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
You just got fragged by a boomer! :steamsalty:
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Embracing gratitude for the present moment
Kindness should not be misconstrued as a vulnerability.

Manifestation and Karma
Manifestation and karma are concepts often associated with the idea that one's actions and thoughts have consequences in the universe.

Manifestation refers to the belief that by focusing on positive thoughts and intentions , individuals can attract positive experiences and outcomes into their lives. The idea is rooted in the power of the mind to influence reality, suggesting that the energy we project can shape our external circumstances.

Karma, on the other hand, is a concept from Eastern philosophy that emphasizes the principle of cause and effect . It suggests that the consequences of one's actions, whether positive or negative , will eventually return to the individual. In essence, karma is a moral law that governs the cycle of actions and their repercussions.

Interconnected Nature
While manifestation is often associated with the power of positive thinking to shape one's future, karma is more broadly concerned with the ethical implications of one's actions and their impact on the individual's destiny. Both concepts highlight the interconnected nature of thoughts, actions, and the unfolding of life experiences.
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kingfabsen 8 hours ago 
Mam Apr 10 @ 11:26am 
nice mate :)
Dasida Feb 29 @ 8:14am 
nice mate
مريم ماهر Feb 17 @ 10:38am 
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