white beast of wotan
Troll   Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Listen, you skrewheads, you chitt-heels; here's a man who wouldn't take it anymore, who stood up to the dogs, the counts, the filth, the skum. Here is...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
4 2
264 時間プレイ
I hesitated to buy this game when it first came out despite being a huge Friday the 13th fan ever since being terrified by part II when I was 9 years old. I read that it was buggy and honestly I had never played a game like it before so I wasn't looking to be disappointed. A friend of mine got it for me recently, and I have to say, even with its flaws, I absolutely love this game. the devs and their counterparts are no doubt huge fans of the series as well, and any die-hard Vorhees fan would agree this is a tribute of nothing but love for the lore and the details of every iteration of Jason. This little game manages to capture the power of being Jason, immensely overpowered, but if you've seen the films, could you have it any other way? have you ever seen Jason Vorhees give a single ♥♥♥♥, even against the likes of Freddy? No. Even so, even with this power, you can be fooled, and if you aren't vigilant you can even be killed. So you have to be ruthless and always stay 2 steps ahead of your prey. As a Counselor you will definitely feel fear, you have to have your eye on your goal, you have to be smart, and you have to be cunning in order to survive. Both sides are really fun to play in their own way even with a few glitches and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ players, its still a really great game even today I have to say. Heartbreaking to hear about all the copywrite ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with the original writer of the first Friday the 13th, Horror inc., and Gun media. it seems the devs have abandoned this project because of the lawsuit, which in reality is no fault of their own, especially if you understand anything about copywrite law., Thats just the way business goes when you dont have your legal ducks in a row day 1 (this is directed towards the original writers and copywrite holders of the Friday franchise.)_ Jason X DLC would be a first day buy for me. O well. I really hope we get a second game from the same people with a bigger budget and while we're at it, howbout a new ♥♥♥♥♥♥ film! What, you people don't like Money??
記録時間: 81 時間
2022年5月15日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 227 時間
2022年5月15日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 100 時間
2022年5月14日 に最後にプレイ
white beast of wotan 2020年7月9日 7時08分 
Azura 2019年10月15日 9時04分 
Wishing you a nice day! :redhearts::summersun:
good1sean 2019年2月23日 21時11分 
$ Dawn Ultra 2018年9月23日 19時58分 

√3rsus 2018年2月14日 16時04分 
:qlexcellent: :deadm_mask: :qlexcellent: :deadm_mask:
Pop-Pop 2017年12月16日 21時59分 
If you are here to check if this dude is cheating in CS:GO, you should just hit up the DMs bruh.