Chris Taylor   Washington, United States
Made games for a long time... maybe too long.
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Venom 16 aug 2023 om 9:41 
Just got a notification saying you played TA for the first time. Brilliant :steamhappy:
Microstar 25 mrt 2022 om 12:52 
Honestly, its like that half of my all time favorite games were done by GPG. Sometimes i have fantasies about how a chris taylor "nowadays game" would be like. Greetings and thx for more than 20 years with your games....wooohaaa
4L1G8R 29 jan 2019 om 18:55 
That's cool! I'm assuming you can't say much, but is this cloud gaming tech kinda like Shadow ( Or in a different vein?

Also, any chance Kings & Castles will see the light of day? I was excited about what I saw back when it was for sure in development.

FYI, I liked the AoE Online idea, but I think the cartoon graphics really was what killed it. I was sorry to see a game in that series go under. I grew up with AoE, and I like all of the current three in the series equally. I didn't play AoE Online much before it tanked, but from what I saw, that seemed like its biggest flaw, and what kept me from embracing it. The Settlers made that mistake, and now it looks like Civilizations is headed that way as well. People want to take their strategy seriously, and when it looks like Disney did the artwork, it kind of kills the immersion for people. That's my take anyway....
Alphahex 21 jan 2019 om 23:52 
christaylor98072 21 jan 2019 om 22:37 
I'm working on some cloud gaming tech... We'll see how it progresses, but so far, it's pretty interesting to mess around with.
christaylor98072 21 jan 2019 om 22:36 
You guys are hilarious!