Boise, Idaho, United States
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Y'know, for as old as this Half-Life mod is (and for as rough as it is), it's got some places that are damn nice to look at.
Marina 18 feb 2023, ore 9:50 
Sea Warden 26 giu 2022, ore 15:41 
Go look at Vurrunna's homepage
The Silver Wizard 4 apr 2022, ore 22:47 
Fb||Sandbuns 16 ago 2017, ore 18:58 
┳┻| _
┻┳| •.•) hey whats up guys it's scarce here
SandvichBros 4 lug 2016, ore 1:52 
Damn you, Kek!
Onyx 1 lug 2016, ore 21:45 