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Malika 9 lutego 2021 o 13:26 
seizure 20 lipca 2020 o 1:42 
b1g pp
TabMeIfYouCan 3 czerwca 2020 o 16:20 
Izumi 26 maja 2020 o 4:22 
+rep krasser HvH Spieler ^^
ٴٴٴٴٴٴ 2 maja 2020 o 23:56 
These suicide notes is all I have left to give. What the ♥♥♥♥ is worth, I know that I'm worthless I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate this Earth, I don't serve a purpose Why you tryna' flirt if you know that you hurtin'
ٴٴٴٴٴٴ 1 maja 2020 o 17:10 
if i end my life would you even cry