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100시간 플레이
This is truly a masterpiece. Its the first Witcher game I have played, I like it so much that I also read the books. I have finished base game, HoS and BaW.

I have done alot of side quests and all the contracts, I know there is alot more on the map to explore. I asume it would be possible to play several 100s of more hours if I kept exploring and then restarted with New Game+. But for now I will take a break from the game and remember the good times I had with it. Maybe I will continue to explore more in the futue.

Regarding the free update the devs gave us. I had problems in the first update and the game stuttered etc, even on low settings. Then they patched it and it was fine for me. I had a short break and when i was going to start playing again I saw there had been another patch and it was even more stable for me so I have no complaints.
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기록상 5시간
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기록상 11.6시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 1일
기록상 13.6시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 1일