Jan   Slovenia
Environment artist and game designer. Just released a narrative thriller The Gap.

Portfolio [www.gortnar.com]
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The Tangent Corporation welcomes you to the grand re-re-opening! Tangent corporate headquarters were again severely damaged by the vicious strike of ruthless saboteurs. After another series of extensive and costly repairs, it’s finally time to reopen the H
636명이 평가했습니다.
제작자: Yanzl
창작마당 전시대
blink18~ 2024년 4월 20일 오전 3시 03분 
Hi, wish you to become my friend in steam
Believe that your art works are amazing and special ✨💖
C u
Polo 2024년 3월 28일 오후 12시 17분 
pls port basalt and extraction, these were the best maps during the riptide operation pls
SadSixersFan 2024년 3월 26일 오후 4시 39분 
pls port basalt bro i love that map so much
Bladoz YouTube 2024년 3월 9일 오전 10시 13분 
best map creator
never knew u were from slovenia
hvala da si naredo Basalr :D
Fairah 2024년 2월 5일 오전 4시 45분 
excuse me, can you make a CS_Estate map for CS2?
MrTrane18 2024년 1월 30일 오전 3시 34분 