Jacob   United States
You know, you know?
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Jeu favori
Vitrine des jeux terminés à 100 %
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3,5 heures de jeu
Bought it on release day, and it was great

Short, but very well driven game, little filler, and leaves you wanting to explore more of the world.

Loved the story and the characters, and the choices you're given really feel interesting and the dialogue is superb.

Really, give this game a shot, even if narrative games aren't your normal thing.
Vitrine du Workshop Hello and welcome everyone! First and foremost: DO NOT enable all of these mods. Vanilla Expanded has grown greatly over the years, and enabling all of our mods at the same time won’t give you
22 746 évaluations
Créé par - Oskar Potocki
Activité récente
17,7 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 2 mai
26 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 2 mai
4,9 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 2 mai
brother alfred 26 oct. 2015 à 5h04 
This person is <3 Lol
TheWastelander 30 aout 2013 à 1h23 
Tender lover.
Interlakenn 17 aout 2013 à 10h19 
Pleasant guy to deal with. + rep :)
blinkatl 12 aout 2013 à 12h40 
Nice guy and trader! +rep
Haruspex 4 juil. 2013 à 18h15 
He's of unusual awesomeness.
420 | presty 2 juil. 2013 à 2h07 
He really commits to our releltionship.