FROYO b4nny
Grant Vincent   Bellevue, Washington, United States
Currently Online
Weapon Signing Info
Due to the overwhelming number of invites I receive regarding weapon signing I am currently only signing weapons for Twitch subscribers and donators ($2 or more, or 1 key per item, you must provide the materials). Please send me a trade offer with your items and any necessary details to confirm your donation/subscription as well as a return trade offer link to accelerate the process. You must also UNEQUIP the item you want signed or else Steam will give me a trade error.

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Trade Offer Link
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+rep fun pub pocket
Insane 14 hours ago 
challenge me for a duel on mge.
reminy. 14 hours ago 
i challenge you for a duel on mge. If you win i'll give you expensive items.
Olive 16 hours ago 
omg is fanny pack
Juliet Apr 9 @ 8:44am 
Let me drink his blood while the rest of FROYO team was away
nadnebesami Apr 8 @ 8:03am 
Please accept friend request