Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Jelenleg offline
whiskeyCoke 2022. szept. 14., 15:38 
howdy m8 added to see if I could trade you for the tf2 crate
lily 2021. aug. 5., 10:24 
do you guys not know that buying ids are against steam terms of service??
whatever 2021. jan. 20., 17:01 
sell id please
z 2020. júl. 3., 21:34 
hello my kind sir,
i am wiritng this comment because i would i like to acquire this id of yours. please add me back
- autumn
Ethan 2020. jún. 23., 9:01 
yo i think my boy autumn wants to cop yr id
76561198402786920 2020. ápr. 14., 6:13 
give id