Box of Kittens! boxofkittens
초대된 회원만 가입 가능
Box of Kittens! boxofkittens
게임 중
2016년 8월 27일
Box of Kittens! 정보

Box of Kittens!

Because every kitten deserves love!
Little ones and big ones. Fluffy and those with short or even no hair.

Steam keys are like kittens - sometimes we have too much of them. Let's give them to someone then! Maybe someone will smile when Space Cat visit them!

This group is created to share with others our bundled keys we don't need. However non-bundled games are welcome as well!


- up to 20 wins - ratio over 0.5
Ratio = Sent / Received
- over 20 wins - gift difference higher than -10

The values can be checked here.[]

2) Giveaways should be at least 1-day-long and no longer than a week - this rule ALSO APPLIES MULTIGROUP GIVEAWAYS.
3) No region restricted giveaways.
4) You can add a level to your giveaways, but no higher than 3.
5) You can add whitelist and other groups to your giveaway as long as they are not public groups.
6) Bundled or non-bundled game, doesn't matter.
7) No blacklisting inside the group. If there is a problem with a member report it to admin.
8) Be nice - it also includes saying something nice to a giveway creator if you win.
9) Have fun!

10. Spamming games from $1 bundle from BundleStars (and, if appeared, other big cheap crappy bundles) or making giveaways of games that no one wants multiple times will result in kicking out. A/Q: here.

Every new member is obliged to create their first giveaway within 24 hours. New members are not allowed to enter group giveaways until the giveaway ends.

You can check how many people have a particular game here.[]

인기 토론글
최근 공지
1 free game for new users! take the game you want! http:// dat address dot com

After seeing one of my friends sending this 3rd time, I was badly alerted.
I opened the site anyway.

There was a lottery made with only AAA games. I spinned the wheel and won PUBG. LOL. Such things should wake you up - NO ONE is going to give out everyone such games for free. For real.

Well, the next step to receive the key was logging in with a Steam account. Not mail. Steam account. The logging page looked like this.

Looks similar to Steam's one, but look closely.

Either you log in to your BANK ACCOUNT or STEAM or any other page that has connections with money or is valuable for you ALWAYS TAKE A CLOSE LOOK IF IT IS A VERIFIED PAGE. Yes. The padlock in Mozilla, Chrome, IE (and probably all other browsers) next to the address bar.

Losing a Steam account would hurt AF, but losing savings of all your life would be way worse. Therefore remember about it.

Secondly, check the address bar itself.
If it is about:blank or some strange address you should notice immediately something is wrong. If not, still, READ THE ADDRESS CLOSELY. There are number of pages that would love to imitiate your bank websites, Valve's logging etc. Sometimes they differ only with a letter.

Coming back to the particular case, if you take a closer look to the upper right corner you will see 'language' in russian. Also, all of the links were dead.

I hope everyone gets their accounts back with everything they on those accounts had.


댓글 43
jeffasl 2018년 2월 27일 오전 10시 28분 
Leaving the group... just trying to simplify my life somewhat... have fun all!
Wintermute 2017년 9월 5일 오전 8시 26분 
Leaving the group: thanks a lot for everything and good luck to everyone!
Pietruszek 2017년 8월 10일 오전 1시 38분 
Thanks for an invite :3
Hello everyone!
ajsemprini 2017년 8월 4일 오전 9시 31분 
Thank you for the invite. ^^
Dustin 2017년 7월 31일 오후 3시 57분 
hello, thanks for the invite! :steamhappy:
Light Valyis 2017년 7월 30일 오전 4시 56분 
Hiii, thank you for having me <3
게임 중
0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 8월 27일